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Howlita "7 Chakras" Bracelet

Howlita "7 Chakras" Bracelet

Howlite quartz 7 chakras bracelet.

Howlite quartz teaches us to be patient and helps to eliminate uncontrolled anger, calms turbulent emotions especially those caused by past lives, unties the ties that bind to old emotions or what causes them in the present; It works as medicine so that this low vibration energy is not absorbed in our body. It is also a great companion for meditation and relaxation, it is recommended for insomnia.

This stone strengthens memory and stimulates the desire for knowledge.


If you want your energy center to work in balance and expand in your seven Chakras, this is an excellent stone that helps ego disorders, which manifest in the first levels of consciousness.

    $355.00 Regular Price
    $284.00Sale Price

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