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Orgone "Sry Yantra" Sacred Fusion
  • Orgone "Sry Yantra" Sacred Fusion

    SRY YANTRA Sacred Fusion Quartz Tiger's Eye and Lapis Lazuli


    A yantra is a symbol that facilitates concentration, there are nine hundred and sixty yantras. Sry Yantra is the spiritual fragment of Tantra, it is the meeting of nine triangles, of which five have their vertex downwards represented by Sakti the feminine aspect and four upwards represented by Siva the masculine aspect. The set is articulated around the bindu, the central point that is the origin of all manifestation. Since it is made up of nine (nava) triangles (yoni), it is also called Navayoni Chakra, the wheel of the nine triangles. The ninth Chakra is the Spirit, its color is White Light. The ninth Chakra is in the Universe, it is outside of time and Space, and it connects with the eighth Chakra through the luminous cord.

    They represent the dynamic and static aspects of the feminine and masculine aspects united in one. The three basic vibrations that emanate are the unique and primal sound. Vibration, energy and frequency.


    Eye of the Tiger the sky and the earth, Its load of vibrations is very high, for the meditation experience. Each line of the tiger's eye connects us with each life experience we have had and with the talents accumulated in them and allows us to bring them down to earth. The experiences of enlightenment, of perception of other dimensions or of contacts with higher forces and states of spiritual ecstasy are stimulated by contact with this stone. This mineral combines the energies of the sand with those of the Sun, synthesizing the Sky-Earth combination. This gives us the possibility of spiritual brilliance and of being here on the planet. Resonant with the Earth's frequencies, it strengthens stability and fills it with dynamic beauty.


    Blue Quartz is the quartz or crystal of peace, great protector of our physical integrity, it does not provide great mental calm, it calms emotions, relaxes tensions, has an antidepressant effect and is capable of avoiding cases of stress, anxiety and emotional distress They help awaken our spiritual gifts and abilities. It helps us to be in balance with life and merge into a neutral state with our masculine and feminine energies.

      $725.00 Regular Price
      $580.00Sale Price

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