Orgone "Obsidian Metatron"
The Metatron's Cube we recognize as a geometric figure a hexagon, the six-sided figure that constitutes one of the basic elements of life, and therefore all living beings contain it. From this pattern many others can be formed by combining with other Platonic bodies contained in the Cube of Metatron.
The hexagon is a basic pattern of life that represents growth, harmony. Its volumetric capacity in a honeycomb is high (composed of these hexagons) which symbolizes strength, support, and protection. Its symbology allows to intercept negative influences or harmful radiation.
Metatron is a channel of Light and connection from heaven to Earth and its natural way of manifesting allows communication with the subtle vibration of the people who perceive it.
Black Obsidian:
Mexico is the initiatory country of Obsidian. It is a stone of volcanic fire that crystallized and was trapped in timelessness. It has always been related to the grid of human evolution.
The spherical vision of obsidian is to bring you out of the consciousness of duality. Neutralizes, liberates and allows exit from duality. The first thing he does is clean all the darkness, there is no need to be afraid of him, since he is an evolution crystal that he lovingly serves.