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Orgone "Metatron"

Orgone "Metatron"

Orgon Cube Necklace in Red Coral Metatron.

Red coral is represented by the stones or crystals of the Sea, which when going out and taking fire from the sun, air and earth combines the four elements to be crystallized. It is complemented by emotions and is related to the first chakra, using a Quartz, or crystal helps us to awaken the internal memory, which stores information at the physical and cellular level of everything that has happened to us, and when we decide to give it light through a power work, such as orgones, we activate the memory of Sacred geometry and quartz. This coral gives us energy and protection. It has the quality to expand and contribute understanding to everything that connects us to the physical world. It awakens the growth of our internal knowledge and helps us to clean the first layers that are in our emotions, of fear, pain, violence and everything that has been saved for lives and lives in our information.

Metatron's cube of light gains strength and light to balance all the energies that we require to cleanse, transmute, and transcend.


    $625.00 Regular Price
    $500.00Sale Price

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