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Sahasrara Amethyst Orgone Necklace

Sahasrara Amethyst Orgone Necklace

Seventh Chakra Orgone Necklace
Element: Pure Energy
Color: Violet
Body Aspects: skin, brain, hormonal balance.
Instinct: Ethics Universa
Psychological Aspects: Altruism, Integrity and Wisdom
Pineal gland
Seeds: Transcendence, illumination.
Negative expression: Psychosis, regression, cynicism.

This Chakra is our gateway to heaven, it is located at the crown of our head. The luminous threads of this center extend towards the Stars and our destiny. The earth is what sustains us and nurtures us with its vital force, and the heavens propel us towards our future.
In this Chakra the devil is time, when we liberate ourselves from the past and become masters of our present, no circumstance or incident comes from the past, we stay in circular time, rising and always in the now! .


Amethyst Quartz is the stone that accompanies us, the great Mother Goddess who transmutes all negative energy.

It is an extremely loving stone that accompanies us, it is a balm for the soul that helps us to close cycles and duels. It calms our mind and our emotions.

    $699.00 Regular Price
    $559.20Sale Price

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