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Orgone "Ohm" Snación Necklace
  • Orgone "Ohm" Snación Necklace

    Orgone Necklace Ohm Symbol "I Am"

    Light-Illumination-Consciousness-God Particle-Inner Voice


    Loving, preventive, protective, it symbolizes the thought of the Universe. Organize the fluid energy into Concrete Thought.


    Orgone is a device made in an artisan process created in 29 steps, it is formed by quartz and metals to generate a 7m energy field around us; It is used to transmit and protect us from harmful energy, from the planetary grid and Hartman and Curri waves (the Earth's magnetic field is made up of reticles known as global networks and that constitute preferential channels for the circulation of energy), electrical devices and waves wifi. It also helps us to transmute emotions, somatized negatives in the body, and mentally it helps us to relax the mind generating a state of peace and tranquility.


    Symbol "Ohm" at first only consciousness was luminescent with potential energy not manifested. Light, God and particle of God.

    "Om" It is the first sound or word where the light (form) and the sound and meaning merge into one "I Am" Sacred mantra to invoke our great divine presence that all human beings are.

    Jyothi Rasaha "says Vedas. In the Gayatro mantra you meditate on the supreme light to enlighten yourself.

    The A · U · M sound is the only eternal syllable that contains the past, the present and the future. It first appeared prominently in the Vedic Tradition.


    Cherry Quartz

    Cherry quartz or cherry quartz brings new hope, acts as an antidepressant, relieves sexual problems related to tension, decreases anxiety and helps develop vision.

    Cherry Quartz is an energy stone and a powerful healing stone. The healing properties of cherry quartz are used to aid breathing difficulties, cell regeneration, and energy flow through the body.

    It is beneficial for situations of restriction, abandonment, betrayal, alignment, ailments related to the heart, lupus and the immune system. It opens and strengthens the heart chakra. Affinity with the signs: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.


      $699.00 Regular Price
      $559.20Sale Price

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