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"Metatron" Ring
  • "Metatron" Ring

    Metatron's Cube Ring

    Metatron is the one who creates the movements of life, transmits force, power, knowledge, and allows us to resolve the agreements of the soul. He is the great protector of the throne of "God"

    We are and are made in the likeness of God or Divinity and as such Metatron accompanies and guides us all the time with his custody.

    Through its symbology we can understand the domain of the elements of life such as: earth, air, water, fire, ether and the sixth element where we become one.

    It is the law of dominion and strength, protection and absolute wisdom.

    In this work there is also a Mer-Ka-Bah that is the vehicle of light through which the essence of Metatron and all of us travel to this and other dimensions. It is the absolute balance of the masculine and feminine in all its strength and Divine presence for our lives.

    • Ring Info

      Alkimeya's exclusive work and design

      Engraving on both sides of the Mer-Ka-Bah Symbol

      Silver .0925

    $1,399.00 Regular Price
    $1,189.15Sale Price

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